Angat Bayi Young Women’s Political Empowerment Fellowship Program

The Angat Bayi Young Women Fellowship Program is a grassroots women’s empowerment program. The pilot run was conducted in Candon City, Ilocos Sur, in partnership with Angat Bayi Fellow and Candon City Councilor Joanne Valdez and the Candon Youth for Empowerment Movement (CYM).

Through the pilot initiative, young women were capacitated and organized to enable them to participate meaningfully in the political arena of their city/municipality. The training course for the young fellows introduced them to the values and importance of feminist leadership; inclusive, rights-based, democratic, and good governance; and active citizenship. The module design was patterned after the AB PEF module but using creative pedagogy, such as expressive arts, movement, and literary pieces.
“eventually develop a second line of feminist leaders who will be interested in and open to running for local positions.“
Maya Tamayo, Angat Bayi Program Manager
To begin with, this fellowship program for young women was envisioned to contribute to changing citizens’ perceptions and attitudes around supporting and voting for candidates in future elections. Further, it also aims to eventually develop a second line of feminist leaders who will be interested in and open to running for local positions.